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Answered on 06/12/2023 Learn Tarot


Yes, anyone can learn to read tarot cards. Tarot reading is a skill that can be developed through study, practice, and personal interpretation. While some individuals may have a natural affinity for intuitive or symbolic work, others can acquire the knowledge and techniques involved in tarot reading... read more

Yes, anyone can learn to read tarot cards. Tarot reading is a skill that can be developed through study, practice, and personal interpretation. While some individuals may have a natural affinity for intuitive or symbolic work, others can acquire the knowledge and techniques involved in tarot reading through dedicated learning.

Here are steps for learning to read tarot cards:

  1. Acquire a Tarot Deck:

    • Start by obtaining a tarot deck. There are numerous tarot decks available, each with its own symbolism and art. The Rider-Waite Tarot deck is a popular choice for beginners due to its clarity and widespread use.
  2. Understand the Basics:

    • Familiarize yourself with the basic structure of a tarot deck, including the Major Arcana and Minor Arcana cards. Learn the meanings and associations of each card, paying attention to symbolism, numerology, and elemental correspondences.
  3. Study Tarot Spreads:

    • Tarot spreads are arrangements of cards used for different types of readings. Begin with simple spreads and gradually progress to more complex ones. Common spreads include the Three-Card Spread, Celtic Cross, and Relationship Spread.
  4. Consult Tarot Resources:

    • Utilize books, online resources, and guides to deepen your understanding of tarot meanings, interpretations, and symbolism. Many authors and online communities offer valuable insights and interpretations.
  5. Practice Regularly:

    • Practice is key to developing proficiency in tarot reading. Perform daily or regular readings for yourself, focusing on specific questions or aspects of your life. Record your interpretations and outcomes to track your progress.
  6. Trust Your Intuition:

    • Tarot reading involves both knowledge of card meanings and intuitive interpretation. Trust your intuition and personal connection to the cards. Your own insights and feelings play a significant role in effective tarot reading.
  7. Join Tarot Communities:

    • Engage with tarot communities, both online and in-person. Participate in forums, discussions, and workshops to learn from experienced readers, share insights, and gain different perspectives on tarot.
  8. Take a Tarot Course:

    • Consider enrolling in a tarot course, either online or in-person, to receive structured guidance and instruction. Many courses cover the basics of tarot, advanced techniques, and practical reading exercises.
  9. Develop a Ritual or Practice:

    • Establish a personal ritual or practice for your tarot readings. This could include cleansing your cards, setting intentions, and creating a conducive environment for your readings.
  10. Seek Feedback:

    • Share your readings with trusted friends, mentors, or experienced readers. Seeking feedback can provide valuable insights and help you refine your interpretations.

It's important to approach tarot reading with an open mind, a genuine interest in the symbolism, and a commitment to continuous learning. Tarot is a tool for self-reflection, guidance, and creativity, and each reader may develop their own unique approach to the practice. Remember that interpretations can be subjective, and the most important aspect is the personal connection you establish with the cards.

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Answered on 06/12/2023 Learn Tarot


The Celtic Cross is one of the most well-known and widely used tarot spreads. It's a classic and comprehensive spread that provides insights into various aspects of a situation or question. The Celtic Cross spread consists of ten cards, each representing different facets of the querent's (the person... read more

The Celtic Cross is one of the most well-known and widely used tarot spreads. It's a classic and comprehensive spread that provides insights into various aspects of a situation or question. The Celtic Cross spread consists of ten cards, each representing different facets of the querent's (the person receiving the reading) life or inquiry. While there are variations in the interpretation and placement of cards, the general structure of the Celtic Cross includes the following positions:

  1. The Significator (Card 1):

    • This card represents the querent or the central theme of the reading. Some readers choose the card based on the querent's gender, age, or a specific question.
  2. The Crossing Card (Card 2):

    • Placed over the Significator, this card represents challenges, obstacles, or influences that may impact the querent.
  3. The Foundation (Card 3):

    • This card reflects the foundation or underlying influences of the situation. It provides insights into the past or contributing factors.
  4. The Recent Past (Card 4):

    • Positioned to the left of the Significator, this card represents recent events or influences that have led to the current situation.
  5. The Crowning Card (Card 5):

    • Positioned above the Significator, this card indicates the current influences or energies at play in the querent's life. It represents the best possible outcome or what the querent aspires to achieve.
  6. The Immediate Future (Card 6):

    • Positioned to the right of the Significator, this card provides insights into the immediate future and potential developments in the short term.
  7. The Querent's Attitude (Card 7):

    • This card reflects the querent's attitude, thoughts, or feelings toward the situation. It offers insights into the querent's mindset.
  8. External Influences (Card 8):

    • Positioned to the left of the Significator, this card represents external influences or factors that may impact the situation. It can include people, events, or circumstances.
  9. Hopes and Fears (Card 9):

    • This card represents the querent's hopes and fears related to the situation. It provides insights into the emotional aspects of the inquiry.
  10. The Outcome (Card 10):

    • Placed at the bottom of the spread, this card represents the likely outcome or resolution of the situation. It synthesizes the influences of the other cards.

Interpreting the Celtic Cross spread requires considering the relationships between the cards, their positions, and the overall narrative they create. Some readers may modify or adapt the spread to suit their preferences, but the general structure remains a popular and versatile choice for tarot readings. Keep in mind that the interpretation of tarot cards is subjective, and readers may develop their own approaches to the Celtic Cross spread over time.

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Answered on 18 Jan Learn Tarot


The use of tarot cards for meditation and spiritual growth is a practice that some individuals find meaningful and beneficial. While tarot cards are often associated with divination and fortune-telling, they also have symbolic and archetypal elements that can be explored in a more introspective and... read more

The use of tarot cards for meditation and spiritual growth is a practice that some individuals find meaningful and beneficial. While tarot cards are often associated with divination and fortune-telling, they also have symbolic and archetypal elements that can be explored in a more introspective and meditative context. Here are ways in which tarot cards may be used for meditation and spiritual growth:

  1. Symbolic Reflection:

    • Each tarot card is rich in symbolism and archetypal imagery. During meditation, individuals may choose a card or a set of cards to reflect on. The symbols and themes in the cards can serve as points of contemplation, helping individuals gain insights into their thoughts, emotions, and spiritual journey.
  2. Mindfulness Meditation:

    • Incorporating tarot cards into mindfulness meditation can involve focusing on the imagery, colors, and emotions evoked by the cards. This practice encourages a present-moment awareness that can deepen the meditative experience.
  3. Daily Card Draws:

    • Some people use tarot cards as a tool for daily reflection and inspiration. They may draw a card in the morning and contemplate its meaning throughout the day, allowing the symbolism to guide their thoughts and actions.
  4. Journaling:

    • Pairing tarot cards with journaling is a popular practice for self-reflection. After drawing a card, individuals can write about the thoughts, feelings, and insights that arise. This process can contribute to personal growth and understanding.
  5. Spiritual Exploration:

    • Tarot cards can be seen as a tool for exploring spiritual themes and questions. Meditating on specific cards or layouts may help individuals connect with their inner wisdom, explore spiritual concepts, or seek guidance on their spiritual path.
  6. Guided Meditations:

    • Guided meditations that incorporate tarot imagery can lead individuals through visualizations and contemplative exercises. This approach can deepen the connection between the individual and the archetypal symbols represented in the cards.
  7. Chakra Alignment:

    • Some practitioners align tarot cards with the energy centers or chakras in the body. Each card may be associated with a specific chakra, and meditating on these cards can be used to balance and align the corresponding energy centers.
  8. Intuitive Meditation:

    • Instead of adhering strictly to traditional interpretations, individuals may use tarot cards intuitively during meditation. This involves allowing personal insights and feelings to guide the interpretation of the cards, fostering a more subjective and personalized experience.
  9. Manifestation and Affirmations:

    • Some individuals use tarot cards as tools for manifestation and affirmations. By selecting cards that represent desired qualities or outcomes, they meditate on these cards to reinforce positive intentions and visualize their goals.

It's important to note that the use of tarot cards for meditation and spiritual growth is a personal choice, and interpretations can vary widely. Some individuals may find deep meaning and resonance in this practice, while others may prefer alternative methods of meditation and spiritual exploration. As with any spiritual or mindfulness practice, individuals should approach it with an open mind, respect for their beliefs, and a focus on personal growth.

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Answered on 06/12/2023 Learn Tarot


The Minor Arcana of the Tarot deck is divided into four suits, each representing different aspects of human experience. Each suit consists of cards numbered from Ace to Ten, along with four court cards: Page, Knight, Queen, and King. Here are the four suits in the Minor Arcana: Wands (or Rods,... read more

The Minor Arcana of the Tarot deck is divided into four suits, each representing different aspects of human experience. Each suit consists of cards numbered from Ace to Ten, along with four court cards: Page, Knight, Queen, and King. Here are the four suits in the Minor Arcana:

  1. Wands (or Rods, Staves, or Batons):

    • Element: Fire
    • Represents: Inspiration, spirituality, energy, ambition, and enterprise.
    • Often associated with: Career, passion, creativity, and personal growth.
  2. Cups (or Chalices):

    • Element: Water
    • Represents: Emotions, relationships, love, intuition, and feelings.
    • Often associated with: Matters of the heart, emotional experiences, and connections with others.
  3. Swords:

    • Element: Air
    • Represents: Intellect, thoughts, communication, conflict, and challenges.
    • Often associated with: Mental clarity, decision-making, and the power of the mind.
  4. Pentacles (or Coins, Disks, or Diamonds):

    • Element: Earth
    • Represents: Material aspects of life, finances, career, health, and practicality.
    • Often associated with: Money, work, tangible results, and the physical world.

Each suit tells a story within its own thematic realm, covering various aspects of life. When these suits appear in a reading, they provide insights into specific areas or situations. The court cards within each suit often represent different personality types or aspects of the querent or the people involved in the reading. Combining the suits with the Major Arcana cards in a spread creates a comprehensive and rich narrative for interpretation.

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Answered on 06/12/2023 Learn Tarot


In tarot, the four suits of the Minor Arcana represent different aspects of human experience and can be associated with specific elements. Each suit has its own unique characteristics, themes, and symbolism. Here's a brief overview of what the four suits represent in tarot: Wands (or Rods, Staves,... read more

In tarot, the four suits of the Minor Arcana represent different aspects of human experience and can be associated with specific elements. Each suit has its own unique characteristics, themes, and symbolism. Here's a brief overview of what the four suits represent in tarot:

  1. Wands (or Rods, Staves, or Batons):

    • Element: Fire
    • Representation: Wands are associated with inspiration, spirituality, energy, ambition, and enterprise. They symbolize the spark of creativity, passion, and the desire to initiate action. Wands often relate to personal growth, career, and the pursuit of goals.
  2. Cups (or Chalices):

    • Element: Water
    • Representation: Cups represent emotions, relationships, love, intuition, and feelings. This suit delves into the realm of the heart and the emotional aspects of life. Cups often relate to matters of the heart, connections with others, and the ebb and flow of emotions.
  3. Swords:

    • Element: Air
    • Representation: Swords are associated with intellect, thoughts, communication, conflict, and challenges. This suit explores the realm of the mind, logic, and decision-making. Swords often relate to mental clarity, communication, and the power of the intellect.
  4. Pentacles (or Coins, Disks, or Diamonds):

    • Element: Earth
    • Representation: Pentacles represent the material aspects of life, including finances, career, health, and practicality. This suit is grounded in the physical world and addresses tangible, earthly concerns. Pentacles often relate to money matters, work, and the physical manifestations of one's efforts.

These suits provide a framework for understanding the various facets of life and human experience. When interpreting a tarot spread, the combination of Major Arcana and Minor Arcana cards, especially those from specific suits, adds depth and specificity to the reading. The suits help tarot readers address different aspects of a person's journey and provide guidance on challenges, opportunities, and emotional states.

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Answered on 18 Jan Learn Tarot


Absolutely! Creating your own tarot spreads is a creative and personal way to tailor your tarot practice to your specific needs, questions, or themes. Designing your spreads allows you to infuse personal meaning and intention into your readings. Here are some steps to help you create your own tarot... read more

Absolutely! Creating your own tarot spreads is a creative and personal way to tailor your tarot practice to your specific needs, questions, or themes. Designing your spreads allows you to infuse personal meaning and intention into your readings. Here are some steps to help you create your own tarot spreads:

  1. Define Your Purpose:

    • Determine the purpose or theme of your tarot reading. Are you seeking insight into a specific situation, exploring personal growth, or focusing on a particular aspect of your life?
  2. Choose the Number of Cards:

    • Decide on the number of cards you want to include in your spread. Traditional spreads often use three, five, or ten cards, but you can choose any number that resonates with you.
  3. Assign Positions:

    • Assign specific positions to each card in your spread. Each position represents a different aspect or question. For example, positions could include past influences, present situation, future outcome, advice, and hidden influences.
  4. Consider Card Placement:

    • Think about the layout of your spread. Cards can be arranged in a linear fashion, a circular pattern, or any other layout that feels right to you. The placement of cards can add an extra layer of meaning.
  5. Name Your Spread:

    • Give your spread a meaningful name that reflects its purpose or the insights you seek. The name can help you remember the intention behind the spread.
  6. Use Signifiers or Clarifiers:

    • Incorporate signifier cards or clarifiers if needed. These are additional cards that provide more context or clarification for specific positions in your spread.
  7. Experiment and Revise:

    • Don't be afraid to experiment with different spreads. You may find that certain spreads work better for specific types of questions or situations. Feel free to revise and modify your spreads based on your experiences.
  8. Incorporate Numerology or Astrology:

    • If you have an interest in numerology or astrology, consider incorporating these elements into your spread. For example, you might choose positions based on numerology associations or astrological houses.
  9. Add Personal Symbols:

    • Infuse personal symbols or imagery into your spread. This could include symbols that hold special meaning for you or represent the themes you're exploring.
  10. Keep a Journal:

    • After using your custom spread, keep a tarot journal to record your interpretations, thoughts, and any insights gained. This can help you refine your spreads over time.

Remember, the most important aspect of creating your tarot spreads is that they resonate with you personally. Trust your intuition and experiment with different layouts, positions, and themes to discover what works best for your unique tarot practice. Creating your own spreads adds a personal touch to your readings and allows you to deepen your connection with the cards.

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Answered on 18 Jan Learn Tarot


Yes, it is entirely possible to do tarot readings online or over the phone. Many tarot readers offer their services through various digital platforms, and technology has made it convenient for individuals to receive tarot readings remotely. Here are some common ways tarot readings are conducted online... read more

Yes, it is entirely possible to do tarot readings online or over the phone. Many tarot readers offer their services through various digital platforms, and technology has made it convenient for individuals to receive tarot readings remotely. Here are some common ways tarot readings are conducted online or over the phone:

  1. Email Readings:

    • Tarot readers may offer email readings where clients submit their questions via email, and the reader responds with a written interpretation of the cards. This allows for asynchronous communication, and clients can receive their readings at their convenience.
  2. Online Chat Readings:

    • Some tarot readers provide live chat readings through messaging platforms or their websites. Clients can interact with the reader in real-time, typing out their questions, and receiving immediate responses.
  3. Video Call Readings:

    • Video call readings are conducted through platforms like Zoom, Skype, or other video conferencing tools. This allows for a more personal and interactive experience, as clients can see and hear the reader during the session.
  4. Phone Readings:

    • Tarot readings over the phone are a traditional and popular option. Clients call the tarot reader, discuss their questions verbally, and receive interpretations over the phone. This method provides a level of privacy and convenience.
  5. App-Based Readings:

    • Some tarot readers offer their services through mobile apps designed for tarot readings. Clients can choose a reader, ask their questions, and receive readings directly through the app.
  6. Social Media Platforms:

    • Tarot readers often use social media platforms to offer online readings. Clients can submit questions or participate in live sessions where the reader pulls cards and provides interpretations.
  7. Recorded Video Readings:

    • Tarot readers may offer recorded video readings where they pull cards, discuss the interpretation, and share the video with the client. This allows clients to watch the reading at their convenience.

It's important to note that the effectiveness of an online or phone tarot reading depends on the skills and expertise of the tarot reader, as well as the comfort level of the client with the chosen medium. Many people find remote tarot readings to be accurate and insightful, while others may prefer in-person sessions. It's a matter of personal preference and what works best for the individual seeking guidance. When considering an online or phone tarot reading, it's advisable to choose a reputable and experienced tarot reader who aligns with your preferences and ethical standards.

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Answered on 18 Jan Learn Tarot


Performing a "yes" or "no" tarot reading is a straightforward way to seek quick answers to specific questions. Here's a simple method you can use: Method: Select Your Deck: Choose a tarot deck that resonates with you. Most traditional tarot decks, like the Rider-Waite-Smith, are suitable for this... read more

Performing a "yes" or "no" tarot reading is a straightforward way to seek quick answers to specific questions. Here's a simple method you can use:


  1. Select Your Deck: Choose a tarot deck that resonates with you. Most traditional tarot decks, like the Rider-Waite-Smith, are suitable for this type of reading.

  2. Prepare Your Space: Find a quiet and comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. You may want to light a candle, play soft music, or do anything that helps you create a focused and peaceful environment.

  3. Shuffle the Deck: Shuffle the tarot cards while concentrating on your question. As you shuffle, focus your thoughts on the specific situation or question for which you seek a "yes" or "no" answer.

  4. Ask Your Question: Clearly formulate your question in your mind. Make sure it's a question that can be answered with a "yes" or "no." Avoid vague or open-ended questions.

  5. Draw a Single Card: Once you feel ready, draw a single card from the shuffled deck. This card will represent the answer to your question.

  6. Interpret the Card: Interpret the card's meaning based on its traditional symbolism and your intuition. For a "yes" answer, look for positive or affirming aspects in the card. For a "no" answer, focus on any negative or challenging elements.

  7. Trust Your Intuition: Pay attention to your intuition and initial feelings about the card. Trust your inner guidance to help you interpret the message.

  8. Optional Clarification: If the answer isn't clear, you can draw an additional card to provide further insight or clarification. Some readers use a second card only if the first card is ambiguous or if they want more information.

Remember that tarot readings are subjective, and interpretations can vary. Trust your intuition and the personal connection you have with the cards. Additionally, it's essential to approach tarot with an open mind and a sense of curiosity rather than relying solely on rigid interpretations.

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Answered on 18 Jan Learn Tarot


While tarot cards are not specifically designed for exploring past lives or karmic patterns, some individuals incorporate them into their spiritual practices for such purposes. Tarot is a tool often used for introspection, self-discovery, and gaining insights into various aspects of life. If you are... read more

While tarot cards are not specifically designed for exploring past lives or karmic patterns, some individuals incorporate them into their spiritual practices for such purposes. Tarot is a tool often used for introspection, self-discovery, and gaining insights into various aspects of life. If you are interested in exploring past lives or karmic patterns with tarot, here are some suggestions:

  1. Choose a Tarot Spread: Create or find a tarot spread specifically designed for past life or karmic exploration. There are various spreads available online that are tailored for these purposes. These spreads often involve pulling cards to represent different aspects of your past or to gain insights into karmic influences.

  2. Frame Your Question: Formulate clear and focused questions related to past lives or karmic patterns. This could include questions about lessons learned in past lives, karmic relationships, or patterns affecting your current life.

  3. Meditate or Set Intentions: Before starting the tarot reading, consider meditating or setting intentions. Clear your mind, focus on your question, and open yourself to receiving insights about your past lives or karmic patterns.

  4. Use Intuition and Symbolism: Tarot cards are rich in symbolism, and their images can trigger intuitive insights. Pay close attention to the symbols and images on the cards, and allow your intuition to guide your interpretation. Some readers may use certain cards or combinations to symbolize karmic themes.

  5. Record Your Insights: Keep a journal to record your thoughts, feelings, and any insights gained during the reading. Reflect on how the cards relate to your question and what messages they might hold about your past lives or karmic patterns.

It's important to note that exploring past lives and karmic patterns is a deeply personal and spiritual endeavor. Tarot is just one tool among many that people use for this purpose. If you are specifically interested in past life regression or exploring karmic patterns, you may also want to explore other techniques such as meditation, guided visualization, or consulting with practitioners who specialize in these areas. Additionally, approach the exploration with an open mind and a sense of curiosity, recognizing that interpretations can be subjective and symbolic.

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Answered on 06/12/2023 Learn Tarot


Performing a career path tarot reading can provide insights and guidance regarding your professional journey, potential opportunities, and challenges. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to conduct a career path tarot reading: 1. Set the Intention: Begin by setting a clear intention for the reading.... read more

Performing a career path tarot reading can provide insights and guidance regarding your professional journey, potential opportunities, and challenges. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to conduct a career path tarot reading:

1. Set the Intention:

  • Begin by setting a clear intention for the reading. Focus on your career-related questions and what specific aspects you would like guidance on. Be specific about the information you are seeking, such as potential career paths, opportunities, or areas of growth.

2. Prepare Your Tarot Deck:

  • Ensure that your tarot deck is cleansed and energized. You may use your preferred method, such as smudging, crystals, or moonlight. Take a moment to connect with the energy of the deck and express your intention for the reading.

3. Select a Spread:

  • Choose a tarot spread that is well-suited for career-related inquiries. A simple three-card spread or a more complex spread like the "Career Path Spread" can be effective. The latter typically involves positions representing the present situation, challenges, strengths, weaknesses, guidance, and potential outcomes.

4. Shuffle and Cut the Cards:

  • Focus on your career-related questions as you shuffle the cards. When you feel ready, cut the deck and lay out the cards according to the chosen spread.

5. Interpret the Cards:

  • Consider each card's position within the spread and its individual meaning. Pay attention to the symbolism, colors, and any intuitive impressions you may receive. Connect the cards to the aspects of your career, such as current challenges, potential opportunities, or areas of focus.

6. Consider Card Combinations:

  • Take note of any card combinations or clusters. Cards that appear together can provide additional insights and nuances to the overall message of the reading.

7. Reflect on Reversed Cards:

  • If you use reversed cards in your readings, consider their meanings as well. Reversed cards may indicate obstacles or internal challenges that need attention in the context of your career path.

8. Seek Guidance and Solutions:

  • Pay attention to cards that offer guidance or solutions to the challenges presented. These cards can provide insights into actions you can take to enhance your career path or overcome obstacles.

9. Summarize the Reading:

  • Summarize the key messages and insights from the reading. Consider how the cards align with your current career situation and how you can apply the guidance in your professional life.

10. Journal Your Insights:

  • Record the details of the reading in a tarot journal. Document your questions, the cards drawn, and your interpretations. This journal can serve as a reference for future reflections and tracking your progress.

11. Closing the Reading:

  • Close the reading with a moment of gratitude. If there were specific messages or guidance, express your appreciation for the insights received. Ground yourself and, if needed, perform a closing ritual.

Remember that tarot readings are a tool for self-reflection and guidance. While the cards can offer valuable insights, the decisions and actions you take in your career path are ultimately yours. Use the reading as a source of inspiration and reflection as you navigate your professional journey.

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